1. Renewal notices will be sent to both the registrant's and the account holder's email address before and after the expiration of the domain. 2. Renewal notices will be sent out on 60 days prior to expiration date, 30 days prior to expiration date, 15 days prior to expiration date, 7 days prior to expiration date, expiration date, 5 days after expiration date and 30 days after expiration date. 3. Renewal notice not only reminds the domain owner to renew the domain, but also requires him to check the current domain whois information as invalid whois information will result into the suspension or deletion of the domain. 4. According to our service agreement, the expired domain will be redirected to a specific IP address, which could be a parking page or a commercial search engine, but the renewal reminder will be also displayed on the page to remind the domain owner. |